Publication:Weapon of Earth

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Like Philip Pullman, [El Komodos Drago] creates more a setting that is more than fantasy ... solid gold

Question: What would a fantasy world be like with spies, submarines and city leveling weapons?
Answer: This.

Long ago the four races of elementals were locked into what seemed like a perpetual war. In this war many imaginative and implausible weapons were released upon there foes, the pinnacle of this were the four great weapons which ended the war and reshaped the world into the one which we know: the weapons of fire, air, water, and earth. Occasionally impossibly ancient technology surfaces from this war and is augmented with modern equipment into deadly fighting machines. Even the smallest relic of the war can spark a minor war. But there has been no sign of these weapons.

Until now.

Christifo Ferdinando López is not the least likely person to get hold of a fragment of where it is, indeed he has enough time to chase the rumor. Or at least had. Now he's the one being chased, fleeing the inquisition and a more sinister, ominous, opponent but still headed for the location those rumors are taking him: the dreaded Night Realm of Zuvinara.

Poster[edit | edit source]

Frequently(ish) Asked Questions[edit | edit source]

Why does the poster say "find out less"?

The official explanation is because it is a spy novel. The real reason is because at the time I had not created this page.

How do I get it?

Unfortunately I have not finished it yet. I am working on it and I think I am between 50 and 75% there which gives it an approximate time of completion around this time next year.

That's a long time, what can I do while I wait?

Well I would encourage you to immerse yourself in the world of Swords of Wrath. You can check out the short stories The Woes of One Thousand Years and In The (mid)Night Forest. I am working on a short introduction to this setting but in the mean time I would suggest you start with the History section where you can find out more about The Great Elemental War.